Cyanotype Workshop
An outdoor practice-based workshop learning about the materials and making prints.
Cyanotype is a form of cameraless photography invented by the British scientist John Herschel in 1842. It's an alternative photographic process by the use of iron as the light-sensitive material to produce photography recognised by its lush Prussian blue colour.
藍印/藍曬法 (Cyanotype) 是一種無相機攝影形式,由英國科學家 John Herschel 於 1842 年發明。它是一種攝影工藝,使用光/化學攝影冲印法,能夠產生出絢麗的蔚藍色聞名的另類攝影印曬法。
Date: Every Saturday Morning (RSVP)
Time: 10:30am-1pm
Language: Bilingual
Material fee*: HK$500
Class size: 8 pax
日期:逢星期六 (預約)
*Minimum workshop size: 4 people
Processing Black and White Film and Basic Contact Sheet Making
Step by step instructions will teach all you need to know - how to handle your black and white film in a completely dark environment, film development and making contact sheets to review your images from the negatives.
This workshop will be processed into two different days. All materials, tools, chemicals and papers included.
Date: Every Saturday & Sunday (RSVP)
Language: Bilingual
*Minimum workshop size: 4 people
*Bring your own film
日期:逢星期六,日 (預約)
Camera Obscura - A Practical Understanding of Capturing Light
This course revisits the basics of capturing light – a fundamental ground for photography throughout its development. In this class participants will learn:
- A brief history of early photography in the 19th century
- How to build a working camera obscura and understand its basic functions
- Field photography with camera obscura
- How to turn ground glass images into digital images
Course schedule: 2 pm-4 pm, 24 Dec 2022 & 2 pm-4 pm, 31 Dec 2022
Course Fee: HK$600 (All materials included)
*Minimum workshop size: 5 people
Tutor: Rorce Lau
Rorce Lau is a Hong Kong-based digital photography artist. He is currently a part-time lecturer at Hong Kong Art School, teaching digital photography course for a fine art bachelor program which is co-organized by RMIT University (Australia) and Hong Kong Art School.
暗箱 - 理解光線的捕捉
- 19 世紀早期攝影簡史
- 如何製作一個可以工作的暗箱並了解它的基本功能 - 利用暗箱作戶外攝影
- 如何將毛玻璃圖像轉換為數碼影像
課程安排 : 2022 年 12 月 24 日下午 2 點至下午 4 點 & 2022 年 12 月 31 日下午 2 點至下午 4 點
課程費用 : HK$600 (包括所有材料, 及一瓶冰滴咖啡)
參加人數上限 : 每班 5 人
導師 -劉德銘
Photogram Workshop
Photogram is cameraless photography by placing an object or a negative above a light-sensitized paper with versatility exploration. The photogram method used to reject optical reality between the world wars aka Man Ray utilised liberally to indicate a hip non-art approach. Subsequently, he renamed the process for himself called Rayograph.
In this workshop, we will introduce the making process, make use of enlarger, how to draw with light and creative development.
*Minimum workshop size: 4 people
*Bring your own objects
Date: Every Saturday & Sunday (RSVP)
Language: Bilingual
*Minimum workshop size: 4 people
*Bring your own objects
日期:逢星期六,日 (預約)
The idea of the soundbox was inspired by Kiesly's sound art performance practice. You can use your own recording to create a personal message or playlist to deliver and interpret your thoughts throughout the play.
This workshop will guide you from the essential techniques of connecting electronic devices such as recorder, open box switch, mini speaker, batteries and parts towards paint or draw your message on the soundbox.
Materials included: Recorder, mini speaker, batteries and other electronic parts, wooden box and paints.
Box size: 12x12cm
1.5 hour
All art materials included
製作過程包括電子零件認識和接駁,聲音收錄及個人風格繪畫裝飾。材料包括:錄音機,迷你揚聲器,Mico SD,電池和其他電子零件,木箱和顏料。
Box size: 12x12cm
Pinhole Camera
Pinhole photography is the most grounding, straightforward instrument yet teaches you the most insightful knowledge and experience for all photography.
What is Pinhole?
Pinhole is a lensless camera made with common household materials that hold light-sensitive materials i.e film or paper - with a hole opening that allows light to travel in (but not as easy as it sounds).
Why do we need to learn that?
Pinhole is used by ranging fine artists to schoolchildren. It teaches and holds the most significant experience where wrong is always right.
How do we make it?
We'll need a box that is not bigger than 10 x 10 ~ 15cm. Turn the household box into a pinhole camera, using your custom-made camera to take pictures and develop your prints in the darkroom.
Box size: 10 x 10~15cm
(You can bring your memorable box or use the standard from us.)
2.5 hour
All art materials included
*Minimum workshop size: 4 people